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Study Guide for SEC II June Exam


The exam will consist of four units: Spelling, The Hobbit, and Cue for Treason, and a short story.




You will be asked to correct the spelling errors of several paragraphs.  HINT: Go through the Review Units of the Spelling book and review the paragraphs there.


The Hobbit:


Be familiar with the chronological events of The Hobbit.  To help you study, go through each chapter and make a brief summary of what happens.


You will be asked to address the following essay questions:


  1. If you could choose to be one of the characters or people of Middle-earth, who would you choose to be?  Why?  Whom would you avoid choosing? Why not?
  2. As Bilbo experiences his quest, we find him taking on leadership qualities.  Which qualities of a servant/leader do we find him demonstrating?  Which experiences taught him these qualities?


Be sure to answer ALL parts of the questions.


Cue for Treason:


Be familiar with chronological events of Cue for Treason.  To help you study, go through each chapter and make a brief summary of what happens.


You will also be asked to read an excerpt of the novel, which will be provided, and asked a number of questions about it.


Short Story:


You will be asked to read a short story and then you will answer comprehension questions about it.


Remember:  The June exam is not designed to lower your mark, but to raise it.  With the information given above, you should be able to perform very well on this exam.


God bless and have a great summer!


Mrs. P.




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